Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Importance of Grip

The video in this post has Dave Dunipace (of Innova) expounding upon The Importance of Grip irregardless of whether the throw is backhand or forehand. Thought it was worthwhile and should be included before getting into the Backhand, Putting, and Overhand grips which will follow in future posts.

    Key Points to remember:
    1) Thumb pressure controls power.
    2) Thumb pad is the center of the pivot.
    3) Thumb pressure controls timing.
    4) The thumb pad is the virtual center of the disc's mass.
    5) The thumb provides an aiming mechanism.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sidearm or Forehand Drives #2

Below are two other instructional videos to follow the previous post on Sidearm (Forehand) Grips that are pertinent to the Sidearm/Forehand drive.

The first is from Discraft and Mark Ellis and shows four different players throwing sidearm. This is valuable as a person needs to realize, just as in all of our lives, there are variations and adaptation is necessary to make something work for an individual. So, to start it off, immediately below is Mark Ellis' 11 minute video...

The second is from Dave Dunipace, Innova CEO (I believe), with valuable information with respect to the Forehand or Sidearm throw.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sidearm Grips and Throws

Cory Haberman contacted me about providing more specifics on grips. What he'd like to see is a set of grip pics in a PDF that can be printed out and laminated for one to carry in a disc golf bag to help keep the grips straight while out on the course. At the completion of a series of posts on grips, I will attempt to make his request a reality.

Today's post will be the first in a series about grips with this post featuring screen shots and key points from the Avery Jenkins Deep in the Game Episode 3 instructional video on Sidearm Throws.

“Split Grip is great for Putter and Midrange shots. Real technical little approaches to the green.”

“Split Grip is great for Putter and Midrange shots. Real technical little approaches to the green.”

“The Stack Grip on the other hand is a grip that’s widely used by Sidearm throwers. Good power. Good control.”

“…the power grip…With good control and much more power it actually increases your spin and generates a lot more power as you’re trying to drive the disc.”

“Thumb on top. I try to place it where the flight plate meets the rim. Nice dense spot. Good thumb pressure. Two fingers on the front edge actually keep the disc in your hand and keep a nice firm grip. These drop out of the way when you’re ready to release the shot.”

“The sidearm is a very touchy shot and you need extremely good timing as you’re coming through. The backhand you can get away with a lot of timing. The sidearm, super touchy, really concentrate on the hit point. Really concentrate on the middle finger…Most critical part of the sidearm throw is the follow through.”

“…commit to that line, commit to that angle, and commit to keeping your palm to the sky as you follow through and extend.”

“The Sidearm is a complex shot.

    Common mistakes include:
    1) Rolling the wrist
    2) “Nose up”
    3) Not tucking the elbow”

“Learn to throw shorter shots when trying to learn the sidearm…little short approach shots with your putter or midrange…until you get the mechanics down…”

Below is the entire Episode 3 video.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Disc Golf Comedian Lamar Maughan

Just for fun. Video by Lamar Maughan instructs (tongue in cheek) how to throw a roller.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Speaking of Rollers...'s an instructional video on all types of rollers! Never realized there could be so many different types of rollers!!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A 500 foot Roller Drive by Paul McBeth

Well, here's a great roller shot by Paul McBeth in the 36 second video below I saw on Heavy Disc's blog! Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Paul McBeth's Off Season Approach

Paul McBeth is one of the current (2013) champions of disc golf. This video is a b-roll interview where Paul responds to questions about how he trains in the off season, what he hopes to see in disc golf's future, signature discs, and more.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Disc Golf Guy's Video Blog - What to Expect During a Tournament

Today's post features a video by Disc Golf Guy out of Wisconsin. The subject is What to Expect During a Tournament. Good intro to tournaments are about.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Disc Golf Guy Video - The PDGA

This post is video by Disc Golf Guy talks about rules and non-rules of the Professional Disc Golf Asssociation (PDGA) while playing in a tournament. Some good advice is shared that is important not just to PDGA sanctioned tournament play but also in casual rounds to develop good habits in preparation for tournament play and learning the game no matter your level of play.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Winter Discing with Ribbons

Okay. It's cold and snow is on the ground. Ya still gotta get out and throw! Here's a blog by Killer B Disc Golf with tips on tying ribbons on your discs so you can find them easier if your drivers and mid-ranges dive into the snow!

Now bundle up and go throw in the SNOW!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Dynamic Discs' Suspect Review

Here's a review of Dynamic Discs' Suspect disc that might be of special interest to those members of the Clock Tower Disc Golf League who purchased a CFC Fundraiser custom stamped Suspect in November of 2013. This is a flat top overstable mid-range disc. You can read the All Things Disc Golf review of the Suspect at this website.

Here's a pic of the full color CFC Fundraiser disc image we had Dynamic Discs print using their DyeMax full color process on 24 white Suspects. It turned out very sweetly and we sold all 24 discs raising approximately $336 for the Illowa CFC General Campaign Fund. Thanks to all who purchased a disc and may it be a good flyer for you!!!

Disc Golf Monkeys Disc Dyeing Videos

This post contains three videos produced by DiscGolfMonkeys on dyeing disc golf discs.

A lot of useful, well presented information and instruction using various pieces of low cost software in these videos.

In the next video, an extended version of video #3, DiscGolfMonkeys claim Rit Dye doesn't work anymore. They're using powdered Rit Dye and I've been told that the liquid Rit Dyes work well. I trust my source on this matter. So, view on if you'd like to see the more detailed, extended video #3.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cheap DIY Golf Disc Design Video

This video shows a cheap DIY golf disc dyeing process using electrical tape.