Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Spin Dyeing a Disc Golf Disc

There isn't much instruction in this but it is easy enough to figure out. This spin dyeing technique is accomplished by attaching a disc to a variable speed fan to slow it down or speed it up as desired. This will cause the dye to spread slower or faster as you decrease or increase the fan speed.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Disc Dyeing - Shaving Cream Marbling

Another way to create a one-of-a-kind disc golf disc using shaving cream to create a marbling effect and chase away the winter no-disc-golf-blues!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Disc Dyeing Tutorial #1

Got the winter time blahs cuz it's too cold or too much snow to get out and throw?

Here's a good tutorial on easy stencil dyeing a disc.

A good way to spend times indoors preparing a special one-of-a-kind disc to throw when the season starts! Premium plastics - Star, ESP - work the best for dyeing.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Just saw this and thought I'd pass it on. It may be one of those "just in time Christmas presents" for yourself.

Scoreband is a wrist worn scorekeeper for Golf, All Sports, and Tennis. It's available at Wal-Mart for $20 as well as several other locations indicated on their website.

Below is a youtube promo video.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Beginner's Guide to Disc Golf

Perhaps it would have been best to start this blog with this video. However, I figured at the very least the players in the Clock Tower Disc Golf League already have a basic understanding and, may have a more than basic understanding of the game. Nonetheless, there's always something to be learned even when one steps back to earlier stages. And this video clearly illustrates the nature of disc golf disc's flight tendencies both in the narration and the video footage. So, here's a video on How Discs Fly - A Begineers Guide.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Avery Jenkins on the Backhand Throw

Thought I'd stick with one more video by Avery Jenkins. This one is on the Backhand Throw.

One More Sidearm Post

Here's one more video on sidearm throwing by Avery Jenkins. His windup reminds me a bit of a softball pitcher's windup. Just goes to show everyone has a bit different approach but with similar results.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dave Dunipace of Innova - Tips On Driving Sidearm

Dave Dunipace lays out his take on Driving Sidearm.

Dave Feldberg DG Tip on Hip Position During the Throw

In this video tip Dave Feldberg seems to be describing the problem I've been experiencing as of late. Feels like I'm falling over or losing my balance at the end of my throw off the teepad. Been watching the Will Shusterick video on driving but he doesn't explain the hip facet like Feldberg does. A different perspective that I hope will be very beneficial for me.

Dave Feldberg 2013 Video Tip #1 from Fenton Creative Video on Vimeo.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mark Ellis' Putting Confidence Program

Mark Ellis, of Discraft, created a "Confidence in Putting" program where he states you should use whatever putt feels right and works for you. As with a lot of things in life, it will take a person time to find out what is best. Take a look at the video below for a complete insight into Mark's program. Practice does help to make perfect. This program has at its root building confidence by practicing 30 minutes a day for 30 days. But there is more in Mark's words.

Here's a recent account of HeavyDisc's experience with and validation of Mark's 30 day program. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dave Dunipace's Putting Approach

Dave Dunipace, of Innova, presents his approach to putting with an emphasis on wrist action. He's been around for a number of years in disc golf. Probably in the PDGA Legend status age wise (my guess). Watching this video is definitely worthwhile as he does walk the walk and talk the talk! With EASE!!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Putting Demo by Will Shusterick

Drive for the show and putt for the dough is what they say.

Here's a putting demo by Will Shusterick where he demos his putting and talks about his approach to putting

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Two Disc Golf Driving Videos - Beato & Shusterick

I've always enjoyed viewing this video by Dan Beato on Disc Golf driving. Not sure it's the best on the subject but it did resonate with me when I found it about two years ago.

This past summer this Driving Instruction video by touring pro Will Schusterick was released. Well, maybe it was last year, I'm not really sure but I found it this past summer. Will's video shows his whole system understanding of driving. Definitely a video to spend time studying.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Accuracy Drill

I'm skipping around a lot in these posts and if anyone following this blog finds that a bit crazy, welcome to my world!!! It's really not that I'm crazy but more that I have a lot of areas I'm trying to improve in this game I've recently taken up only a bit over two years ago.

The video below is an accuracy drill that needs to be viewed several times as there's not much talking but mostly just throwing a midrange or putter both backhand and forehand to improve one's accuracy on upshots to the basket.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Towel Snap Drills

Towel Snap Drills are used to improve the "snap" of the wrist for disc golfers on their drive. Below are several videos on the subject.

Here's Dave Feldberg, another disc golf instructor and touring pro, with a Towel Snap Drill.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Beginner Disc Golf Disc Selection

The video from thediscgolfvids below is titled "Beginner Disc Selection Advice" which contains some worthwhile advice for the beginner. There's also a lot of discussion of how various discs such as high speed drivers, fairway drivers, midranges, and putters fly. There's a lot of info shared in this 13 minute video. Well worth soaking up as much of it as possible.

This video comes from the Disc Golf Association and features Merle Witvoet. Merle has been playing for a number of years, is a disc golf instructor at the University of California, Monterey Bay, and has some good advice on driving as well as some basic beginner disc advice.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Smartphone Disc Golf Scorecard Apps

I don't own a smart phone. Just not ready to pay for the data fees. But, being a disc golfer, I've seen other or heard about different smartphone apps that provide digital scorecards for a round. There are quite a few of them. Below are links I gathered for a customer who was unaware of their existence.

iPhone has an app that's approved by the PDGA https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/disc-golf-pdga/id449511724.

This article reviews five apps, one of which is DG Caddy that lets a player record a history of their shots http://www.discgolfstation.com/5-Disc-Golf-App-Reviews_b_72.html.

Here's a link for Disc Golf ScoreCard which indicates it's free and is for both iPhone and Android 4.1 http://www.discgolfsc.com/.

Here's appszoom's reviewed list of about 50 Disc Golf Android Apps http://www.appszoom.com/android_applications/disc+golf.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Driving like the Pros

Here's a video from the 2013 European Open showing four of the top pros driving. It came from http://heavydisc.blogspot.com/2013/11/improving-back-hand-distance.html, a blog I read from http://talkdiscgolf.com/

The video shows four players - Shusterick, McBeth, Feldberg and Kolig - in four separate frames driving from the same tee. And myself, like the blog writer for HeavyDisc, don't plan on becoming a pro, the consistency shown in this video is great to see as well as these guys are smooth! Enjoy!!!

2013 Quad Cities Discraft Ace Race

The 2013 Quad Cities Discraft Ace Race took place on Saturday September 14 at Middle Park in Bettendorf, IA. Approximately 65 participants attended and threw the latest Discraft Ace Race disc. The winner was Nick Mazzarollo who had 4 aces. Other contests at the event included a putting contest and longest drive contest. A good time was had by all in attendance.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Discing In the Wind

Last week we had some hellacious winds cruisin' through our area and, as is the case when I have time, I was out hukkin' plastic! It's a challenge as well as fun to see the discs get pushed around by that invisible force of Mother Nature!

Here's a link titled "Mastering The Wind," that holds some worthwhile advice on the subject... http://www.discraft.com/res_wind06_p1.html

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

1970s World Frisbee Disc Golf Championship Video

This clip from the 70s is a great clip that shows a newbie like me what it was like to play the game back then. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dave Feldberg Clinic - "Technique is only half the battle"

I always enjoy watching videos of Dave Feldberg's clinics. Here's one from this past October in Alabama taped and posted by BHS Disc Golf titled "Technique is only half the battle."

Sunday, July 28, 2013

2013 Discraft Ace Race

The 2013 Discraft Ace Race is starting up across the U.S. Our own Ace Race this year is scheduled for September 14, 2013 with tee-off at 10 a.m.

The location for this year's event is scheduled for Credit Island, where it was held last year, but, due to flooding on the Mississippi River, we may have to move the event to another Quad City location. The process for a possible move is being explored with Middle Park in Bettendorf, Iowa being a prime location.

I did drive by Credit Island on Saturday, July 27, and found the park is now open to the public. The lodge, which was heavily damaged by fire, has been surround by a temporary cyclone fence until a final determination of repairs / replacement is decided upon.

The disc golf course is being worked on. Most tees have been cleared of overgrowth from the flood. The island smells strongly of the river from the silt left behind. Baskets appear to have been removed prior to the flood and, my guess is, won't be replaced until they have the overgrowth cleared to the Park Board's satisfaction. Not sure how long any of this will take but I expect they'll have the course ready by fall at the latest.

For those interested in the Ace Race view the Discraft Ace Race Promo video below...

A Start...

Prepared this blog for the Clock Tower Disc Golf League.

Purpose: to provide a digital location for members, family, friends, and/or interested parties to post photos, videos, comments, league and disc golf event announcements, etc., related to and about the Clock Tower Disc Golf League.

Current league members feel free to add content, comments, etc.